Sunday, April 21, 2013

forgotten blog site

Hello blog,

I nearly forgot you existed.  I haven't had any food revelations lately...greek yogurt, chia seeds, peanut butter and chocolate fiber bars, a whole lot of fish...It sounds like a healthy diet, except for the inordinate amount of chocolate I manage to consume during the day.

There's been a steady supply of coconut water in my fridge.  Mango juice has also made a reappearance.  Both have a good percentage of potassium.  I'm trying to find a good way to add electrolytes without the calories.  I was introduced to smart water not too long ago.  I made the mistake of leaving the hotel one day without a source of hydration.  I was dizzy and light headed by the end of the day. (Not that water or fluids weren't available elsewhere.  With all the walking we were doing, I just wasn't drinking enough.) It really helped with hydration while I was travelling.   It's currently on sale at Target, so I added a (small) supply of it to my pantry.