Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Holy Week!

Happy Holy Week you Trinita Crazies!! Hey, Carolyn, I am experimenting with some new "strange" things lately. I am trying ginger tea right from the root. I am trying to reduce my gluten, although today was not a good day for that. I am also trying to add turmeric....not even sure I spelled it my diet. We shall see!

A blessed holy week to all!


  1. How are the ginger experiments going? I'm very interested in this. I got some bags of Gin-Gins hard candy from the Bailey's store and I love them.

  2. Carolyn,
    The ginger went well. I was making a tea out it. I had actual ginger root and shredded and steeped it. I was having some joint pain and I read how it is supposed to help. Well, it doesn't take it completely away, but it definitely took the edge off! Good to know! Also, I read that turmeric helps joint pain as well. I was adding that to my food. The combination was actually a great one for me. Thankfully, I am not having as much pain now!
