Monday, April 4, 2011

Strawberry Fields FOREVER

I've started my strawberry seeds and it looks like I'll definitely have three plants and maybe four.  My goal is to transplant a couple to the garden and a couple to containers.  The ones in containers I hope to move back inside when it gets cold again and see how long they'll produce edible strawberries for when they're under the lights inside.  Exciting!  :)  And if the fourth one does come up, I could bring one of the containers to Trinita this summer, if the sisters are looking for any donations to their vegetable garden.  Assuming that these things fruit at all.  I will provide pictures soon.  (This is the second time I've started strawberries inside.  The first time they were alpine strawberries and so weren't that sweet and I also started them in January and grew them almost exclusively under lights.  They were not at all edible until moved outside.  This time, they're regular strawberries and are under lights but in front of a south-facing window and so already are getting strong natural light.  I think this may be a formula for success.)

Not much else is happening healthy-wise.  Although I did get a container of Sustenex, a probiotic, a couple of weeks ago.  I took one everyday for two weeks and now I'm going to take one every other day and space it out more as time goes on.  I'm not sure how I'll know if they make a difference, but I wanted to try it.  Haha, at least nothing bad has happened yet!


  1. How wonderful about your strawberries! Oh, that would make a great addition to their garden. I think they have some wild berry bushes behind the stable chapel.

    Probiotics! I thought about trying those, too. I'm glad you haven't had any adverse effects! I've heard good things about them.

    I've been a bit of a baking fool lately. Anise biscottis for Easter are the main item.

    Happy Palm Sunday! Hope everyone has a wonderful Holy week and Happy Easter everyone!

    PS: Can't wait for the Tag Sale!

  2. A disappointing update: the strawberries are failing to thrive. They are alive and I will keep trying, but they are not doing well. I'll either have to give in and buy some plants or next year try the species I grew a couple years ago. I had a lot of success with alpine strawberries and kind of assumed this would go well, too. Ah well.

    Also, I've had one adverse effect from the probiotics. I had the runs last week and after I thought I'd gotten over the worst of it I took one to try to restock the bugs in my gut. It was a big shock to my GI track. I would recommend waiting until you're completely recovered from an illness like that before taking them. Maybe everybody else knows that. Anyway, that's my story :)

