Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour

Well, I cracked open the bag and started baking! I found a recipe for gluten free muffins. I am on my second round of them now. The first round was not flavorful enough, so I am experimenting with ingredients. These came out pretty good. I added bananas, cranberries, raisins, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Oh, and I added some local honey that I recently bought. That is another subject!! But, since I mentioned it. It was the first local honey that I think I have ever bought. I read or heard somewhere that local honey is better for you because it helps with your allergies. I don't have them bad, but I thought it couldn't hurt. I was working for a week in "farm country" and stopped by a roadside stand and picked some up. I have to say it was the most delicious honey that I have ever tasted! I will probably contact them to tell them how much I liked it.

As for the muffins, well, they will pass. Gotta keep working on them.


  1. Oh, and by the way....Carolyn, how is the garden coming?

  2. Sharon, I hope you are not defining farm country by the presence of roadside stands :) Anyway, my dad just picked up some "special" maple syrup from our farmer's market on Thursday. I haven't tried it yet, but he made waffles tonight...probably just so he could try the syrup.

    The garden...alas. The strawberries are duds. They are still alive, but just not growing. I am going to start again in August, though. AeroGarden ( has a reflecting "wall" that you can put around your plants, and I'm going to try that. My plan for the strawberries in August is to start them in peat pots outside while it's warm and the sun is strong, and then bring them in and put them under the "special" lights WITH the reflector when it starts getting later in the year. I'm not sure why this batch didn't grow, especially since one year I started strawberries in January, they bore fruit before they were even outside and they're still alive now in the garden. Oh well. I'm going to try to get to the bottom of this!

  3. Cool, Carolyn! We had probably 3 or 4 strawberries this year. I was thrilled with just one. How many years have you been working on the strawberry plant?

    Let me know how you like the syrup. I do like alot of flavor, so I tend to like the darker grades. I can't remember if I blogged about the honey that I bought....that is now almost gone. It was local honey and it was fabulous. It is more expensive, but well worth for the taste.

  4. Oh gosh, I stink. Can you believe it, I never even tried the maple syrup. But I heard that it was excellent. My strawberry plant is an interesting thing. This is the third summer that it will be in the garden, and I started it from seed the January before it first went in the ground. I was really just trying to "perfect" a method of growing them indoors so they'd be ready sooner in the spring. So I didn't cover it up for the winter and wasn't really concerned about whether it survived or not. But it did! The critters got all the strawberries though, while I was waiting for them to ripen. Oh well. Seriously, I have a whole new game plan for this fall!
