Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fall 2012 Foodie Goals!

Now that I'm going to be living in Tampa, I hope to have friends again.  Also, now that I am free from New Orleans, my hair won't hate the water anymore and I can switch back to a natural shampoo.  Perhaps even no pooing.  We'll see about that.  I really got away from my natural habits in New Orleans because it was hard to find natural products and I didn't have much success with them.

I would really like to join a CSA in Tampa, but it's so expensive up front (like $500) - and I'm broke after this move, new apartment, etc.  It's no secret that I'm thrilled to have Publix back in my life, but I hope to shop for produce at this cute little farm stand near my house.

Chia is definitely something I need to add back into my life.  Fiber in general actually (sorry Carolyn, I know your issues with fiber).

Drinking more water is a serious goal too.  I was really bad at that this summer at Trinita - and just haven't gotten back on track.  It's rough being homeless, yo.  My schedule is all out of whack.  My stuff is all over the place.  It's like constant chaos.  But it all ends tomorrow.

I can't think of anything else for this right now - but I'm sure there are more goals.  Comment or edit to add yours!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, Megan! I don't have issues with fiber in general! I just strongly feel that it should be eaten with high calorie foods like chocolate granola so that it doesn't get mad at you when it finds out it didn't get as much digestable food as it thought it did (like say if you ate a salad).

    What kind of shampoo are you using? I haven't tried the new Burt's Bees stuff, but I like the Shakai well enough so that if the new BB shampoo is a complete disaster I can stick with Shakai.
