Well, I had to try some other products because of financial need! ...lol. Anyway, I will be trying a fragrance free Whole Foods hand lotion and a Whole Foods brand shampoo. I'll let you know how that goes. The most important thing I got was the chia seed. They didn't have it last time or I didn't see it there. Anyway, it was 6.99 pound. I don't think it is organic, but it will do for now. I really want to keep using it because I know my diet is deficient in Omega 3's.
Well, I hope to keep baking this weekend. I want to keep trying new Italian cookie recipes. We'll see how they turn out.
And as a side note....it is really way too cold right now!!!! Can we pitch in and buy a house down South somewhere? I was thinking out in the Southwest. We can all move there in the winter. Do I have any takers???
I think we agreed on Hawaii! =) By they way, how much Chia seed are using?
ReplyDeleteWell, ok, Hawaii it is!!! I am using a tsp in my cereal. I should consult with the chia expert which is Carolyn. Carolyn, if you read this, can you tell me is that enough for daily use?
ReplyDeleteHaha, I am the master! Well here's what I can tell you. Dr. Oz recommended several years ago getting at least 1000mg of omega 3s a day, which according to my chia seed label is slightly less than 1/2 a tablespoon. The book I read suggested more like 1500 or 2000mg a day, but without the book in front of me I don't remember how they arrived at those numbers. So what I've been doing is putting 3 tablespoons in my graduated nalgene sippy cup that I got from Whole Foods with Sharon and Pat and filling it up with water to the 300mL mark. Then I slurp 50mL everyday and only have to prepare it every 6 days. Yesterday I put in a little less than 4 tablespoons to take over the 6 days. I'm considering doing this for a month or so and then maybe going up to 5 for a month or so just to see if anything wonderful happens. :)
Wait! Ellen was there too! I remember!
ReplyDeleteOk, I think I have been using just about that much in the morning in my cereal. Thank you, oh chia Master!
ReplyDeleteI know I think we need another Whole Foods trip all together! I can make a run up to CT....I can be there by late this afternoon. Can you make it?....:)
Y'all have to wait til summer for the Whole Foods trip. I want to come too!