Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter Hand woes

Ok, here is the next big problem to solve. What does everyone use for a hand lotion during the winter? Keeping with the all natural theme, I have been using my own homemade concoction of olive oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter. It is not extremely effective on the hands. To get a true all natural product for your hands is somewhat difficult and very expensive. Any thoughts out there?


  1. Well, first for a hand soap I use Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap very watered down (THANK YOU, EILEEN). I hope that minimally dries out my hands between showers but I'm not sure. Then when my hands are dry after showering, I use Dr. Bronner's hair creme. I use this generously if need be. Then after that's been absorbed I put on some Badger Balm. I like their stuff, it's good. So, that's my solution so far. I would like to try Aubrey's lotion someday but it seems unlikely to go on sale. Perhaps next year I'll just buy a bottle with the loads of money I save on their trial-size bottles on Cyber Monday :)

  2. Wow! I like that idea!!! I am going to try conditioner on my hands!! Thanks! I don't have any Badger Balm. What is the ingredients in that? I'll have to check it out next time I go into a health food store.

  3. The ingredients for the Badger Balm Healing Balm are extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, castor oil, aloe vera extract and essential oils of wintergreen and sweet birch. It smells very good! :)

    And about round 2 for the will have to be later this week or next weekend. Last night I ate some bad ham and was sick several hours later. Today I'm fine, just being careful. I'm crediting the chia seed with my quick recovery :)

  4. Oh wow! Good ingredients! I will be keeping my eye out for that one!!! Ooooh...sorry about you not feeling well!! I ran out of chia seed. =( I have to get more at some point!

    Looking forward to your new bread pics!

  5. My friend said coconut water is an awesome hydrator. Once opened, it does need to be used within 24 hours for greatest effectiveness. You can drink it and spritz it onto dry areas.

  6. Ok, I will try the coconut water. When I do, I'll blog about it!
