Horray!!!! I have come to an even better breakfast arrangement! The Kashi granola was really expensive to be dumping by the cupful into my regular fat yogurt in the morning (which I went back to yesterday). So I decided to try making my own. I looked online and got a recipe. I actually did it last night and it worked very well. It tastes good alone and in the yogurt. Haha, I may be able to get through a 2lb container in a reasonable amount of time after all! Here is my recipe:
Mix 3 cups oats with brown sugar (the recipe said 3 TB but I didn't measure it, I just poured). I also added to this first group of ingredients graham flour and barley flour. Whole grain of course! And of course, I didn't measure it. But I think between the two flours it was still less than a cup. Then add, mixed together, 1/3C honey, 1/4C canola oil and vanilla (again I just poured this in without measuring).
Then bake it at 300 degrees for 20-30 minutes, stirring after 15.
This came out really well, and I think I might even be able to cut down on the sugar. I'm also pretty sure I used more than 1/3C of honey. Anyway, however much I made fit perfectly into one of those round Quaker Oats containers, so that's where I'm storing it.
I'm very excited about this.
Oh my gosh!! Carolyn, you are well on your way to being a Trinita Health Crazy! Congratulations on your new find!!!!