Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ok, I guess I'm a little behind on reading all of this, but what is this chia seed stuff? I read the website Carolyn linked, and it sounds interesting. I might get some at Whole Foods the next time I go (there is one right down the street from me!). Do you eat it everyday? What exactly do you do with it?

Adjusting to life here in New Orleans has been a challenge food-wise. I've been eating Three Sisters cereal, but it ran out this morning, so I think I'm back to Kashi. School has been feeding us, but tomorrow is our first real day and I need to pack my own food. I think that I will bring an apple and almond butter with a salad and some Kashi crackers. I'm trying really hard to not eat a lot of processed stuff, but I have yet to make it to the farmer's market here (and produce is SO expensive in the stores). Before the move, I was using SparkPeople to track my eating habits because it gives really good nutrient information. I'm going to try to start that again tomorrow.

I'm also trying to eat more seafood since it's so readily available here (they sell shrimp with the head on just sitting on ice, you pick them up yourself, in the middle of the grocery store). More seafood, more non-meat protein, that's the plan :)

Shampoo has been a real issue for me here. There has got to be something going on with my water because I didn't have this problem the two nights I stayed in the hotel. It just feels like my hair never gets clean; like there are tons of oils left after I wash it.

I miss you guys!!


  1. A Whole Foods down the street, criminal! :) Yeah, I heard about the chia seed from Dr. Oz and also read about it in a book, Born to Run. I highly recommend that book. I'm planning on getting it out of the library again soon. Also, The China Study. The Oswego library has them, so yours must. Anyway, you can do whatever you want with the chia seed. You can mix it with water and it forms a gel that you drink, or you can just put it in foods. I love it because it truly has no taste, which is important for me.

    What if you tried adding a tiny bit of baking soda to your shampoo? I'm gradually making the switch from Burt's Bees to Aubrey's. I'm shampooing tonight, in fact. Or, what if you got a shower filter? I want one and I know they're cheap, but I just haven't gotten one yet.



  2. I was thinking of trying the baking soda thing. I'll let you know how it goes.

  3. I want to hear more about Sparkpeople! On second thought, I have some really bad nutrition Maybe I'll google it. I did the baking soda thing. I'm not sure if I have the solution right. Just what is it?
